Monday, October 5, 2015

Thumb Triathlon 2015

Yesterday I raced in my final triathlon of the season. It was a pool start and we were seeded by our 100 meter swim time. I guessed at I'd be around 1:50 to 2:00 per hundred after doing a quick test/warmup 100 in 1:40. I think having to duck under the lane markers slowed me down but I was still able to catch up to a swimmer and pass her and finish the swim in 6:15.

Quickly ran to T1 in low 50 degree weather with a light drizzle. I was out of T1 in about 1:45. The bike course was windy and had some hills to deal with in the head wind. I passed a few bikers along the route. The roads were typical Michigan roads with lots of bumps. I heard one athlete talking about his chain bouncing off because it was so rough. I lucked out and didn't have those issues. I'm used to riding on those types of roads too....

Coming into T2 I slowed down. The pavement was wet and I nearly slipped jogging with the bike to the rack. I was out of transition in about 45 seconds and onto the run.

The run was advertised as being on the schools cross country course. I didn't think too much of it going in and it's probably good that I didn't check out the course before hand. It was a true CC course through grass and dirt trails. It was 2.5k run course so we had to do it twice. I just "rolled" with the course and finished the race in 1:10:00! Good for another AG win and 4th overall. Second overall finished after me, but he had himself seeded as an 8 minute 300m swim. (It was his first triathlon switching over from duathlons)

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